Healing Testimonies
Healing Testimonies, to the glory of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ the Son of God.
These healing are a testimony of the wonderful grace of God. That we all can receive through Jesus Christ.
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father – John 14:12.
Healing Testimonies -1 of broken bones
One night as I was walking home, I met a young man I know by the name of Paul. He had injured his forearm, due to a fight he had been in. Apparently he had seen someone beating on a woman and stepped in to defend her, which resulted in more trouble for him. Apparently, he had broken his arm in more than one place. I offered to pray for him and prayed in the name of Jesus for his hand to be healed. After I prayed I asked him if he felt anything. He said he felt the bone in his forearm move. Some days later I saw him again and asked him how his arm was doing. He said that he had been to the doctors and they had wanted to re-set his arm, but they couldn’t because it had already been fused together. Praise God for His healing power. Healing testimonies are still for today because Jesus heals today. Amen.
Apostle Owen, Servant of Jesus Christ
Healing Testimonies -2 The word
One day we had family visiting and we prayed together before they left. A sister amongst us had been off work sick and needed to go back soon, but was unable to go back due to the illness. I asked her when she wanted to go back and she stated her case. I said to her “be it unto you according to what you have said.” We heard from her husband that “it was so” according to the word that I gave her.
Apostle Owen, Servant of Jesus Christ
Healing Testimonies -3 Liver transplant
In the summer of 2015, one of my relatives was admitted to hospital for a liver transplant operation. When I heard the news, I thought that I must go and see her and pray for her. Jesus heals today. The story is that the liver transplant was successful but the liver was “sleeping,” not responding. The liver should normally respond within 2 to 3 days, but this had been going on now for over 2 weeks. There had also been infections and other complications. So, my wife and I went and I prayed for her in the name of Jesus, and within about 2 to 3 days there finally came a response. The new liver “woke up.” Praise be to the mighty name of Jesus. God answers prayer.
Apostle Owen, Servant of Jesus Christ
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