Converted from Islam to Christianity – Nissar Hussain

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Converted from Islam to Christianity. Nissar Hussain.

 Converted form Islam to Christianity. Many of them that have converted form Islam to Christianity. Are being persecuted. By their own families that remain Muslims. And other members of Islam. The Muslim parents cut off the Son or daughter. Grandchildren and anyone else that convert from Islam. The question that we all need to ask ourselves. Yes and even more so the Muslims. Is Islam a peaceful religion?
Converted from Islam to Christianity. You cannot have real peace without Love.
 Converted from Islam to Christianity Sign this petition. To defend the rights of people. In the United Kingdom. To change their religion or belief. Without fear of persecution. From any opposing individual or community.Converted from Islam to Christianity Nissar Hussain
Nissar Hussain his wife Kubra. And six children have suffered persecution. During the past 20 years after converting
from Islam to Christianity. They live in UK Bradford but have endured a series of abuse. And violence from local Islamists. for ‘apostasy’ [changing religion] following their conversion. This persecution has even led to false allegations. Resulting in the couple being questioned at a police station. One police officer told Mr Hussain. To ‘Stop being a crusader’. Police and local authorities. Did not give the family appropriate support. And the perpetrators of the abuse have not been arrested.
Converted from Islam to Christianity.
 The British Pakistan Christian Association. Is supporting the Hussain family. Please sign this petition. Calling on the UK governments and other authorities. To properly defend the rights of citizens. Such as Nissar and Kubra. To change their religion or beliefs. Without fear of persecution. From any opposing individual or community. And for policies and procedures. In the treatment of such people to be officially reviewed.
We the undersigned. Call upon the Prime Minister. First Ministers, Governments. Official Religious Bodies. Including every Church and mosque. And all local council authorities in England. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. To officially and publicly declare. That punishment for ‘apostasy’ is not recognised. At all under UK laws. And people such as Nissar Hussein from Bradford. Are completely free to change their religion or faith beliefs. As indicated by Article 18. Of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. – Freedom of religion. – Without fear of persecution in any form whatsoever. And any such virulent opposition. By any individual or community. To the rights enshrined under Article 18. Deserves full condemnation. And comprehensive investigations by police forces nationwide.
Converted from Islam to Christianity. For Nissar Hussain and many others.
Please Sign the petition Apostasy by choice.

British Pakistani Christians.Three stories of losing faith in Islam. Ex-Muslims Video. What does the Quran say. About how to treat people?

He who leaves his religion, Kill Him. (Bukhan). Is that the way of Love. The true God is a God of Love. Jesus Killed know one. Who is the greatest. The one who restores life. Or the one who take life?

Rational Analysis of Prophet Muhammad. Watch the Video below.


Peace campaigners hold rally in support of Nissar Hussain brutally attacked by Muslims.

Everyone must be able to convert to any religion without persecution. You can talk to the person. Pray for (not against) the person. They must choose what Faith to follow. To force anyone to follow any religion is against the True God. But it’s in line with Satan because he is a bully. And if you look in your heart you will know this to be true.

Help those that have Converted from Islam to Christianity. For Nissar Hussain and many others.
Please Sign the petition Apostasy by choice. Thank You and may true God Lord bless you.


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