The kingdom of God will not be divided

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A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand or remain

God has a people that will become one, because the kingdom of God will not be divided against itself. People may be divided, but those who are led by the Spirit of God will not be divided.

Jesus Prays for His Disciples

For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me (John 17:8).


How to become one?


The Spirit of God cannot lead us against the order of the Kingdom of God.

Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does (John 5: 19).


Jesus was continually led and control by the Holy Spirit to do the will of God.

He did nothing of Himself, by Himself or for Himself.


We must be led by the Holy Spirit;

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you (John 16: 13-15).

We must obey the Holy Spirit to abide in Christ;

That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me (John 17:21).


A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand or remain.

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations.

The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does (Psalm 145:13).

Jesus said; every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand (Matthew 12:25).



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